Source code for timeflux_dsp.utils.filters

import logging

import numpy as np
from scipy import signal

LOGGER = logging.getLogger("timeflux." + __name__)

def _get_com_factor(com, span, halflife, alpha):
    valid_count = sum(1 for _ in filter(None.__ne__, [com, span, halflife, alpha]))
    if valid_count > 1:
        raise ValueError("comass, span, halflife, and alpha " "are mutually exclusive")
    # Convert to smoothing coefficient; domain checks ensure 0 < alpha <= 1
    if com is not None:
        if com < 0:
            raise ValueError("comass must satisfy: com >= 0")
        alpha = 1 / (1 + com)
    elif span is not None:
        if span < 1:
            raise ValueError("span must satisfy: span >= 1")
        alpha = 2 / (span + 1)
    elif halflife is not None:
        if halflife <= 0:
            raise ValueError("halflife must satisfy: halflife > 0")
        alpha = 1 - np.exp(np.log(0.5) / halflife)
    elif alpha is not None:
        if alpha <= 0 or alpha > 1:
            raise ValueError("alpha must satisfy: 0 < alpha <= 1")
        raise ValueError("Must pass one of com, span, halflife, or alpha")

    return float(alpha)

def _hz_to_nyq(frequencies, nyq):
    if isinstance(frequencies, list):
        return [freq / nyq for freq in frequencies]
        return frequencies / nyq

def _nyq_to_hz(frequencies, nyq):
    if isinstance(frequencies, list):
        return [freq * nyq for freq in frequencies]
        return frequencies * nyq

[docs]def design_edges(frequencies, nyq, mode): """Design filter edges. Args: frequencies (list): Transition frequencies in Hz. mode (str): Filter mode (`lowpass`, `highpass`, `bandstop` or `bandpass`). nyq: Nyquist frequency (half sampling rate). Returns: array: freqs. Updated frequencies with transition bands. array: gains. Filter gain at frequency sampling points. list: wp. Passband edge frequencies. list: ws. Stopband edge frequencies. **Filter edges design** The -6 dB point for all filters is in the middle of the transition band. If no transition band is given, default is to use: * ``l_trans_bandwidth`` = .. math:: min(max(l_{freq} * 0.25, 2), l_{freq}) * ``h_trans_bandwidth`` = .. math:: min(max(h_{freq} * 0.25, 2.), rate / 2. - h_{freq}) **Band-pass filter** The frequency response is (approximately) given by: .. image:: /static/image/edges_bandpass.svg .. .. .. 1-| ---------- .. | /| | \ .. \|H\| | / | | \ .. | / | | \ .. | / | | \ .. 0-|---------- | | -------------- .. | | | | | | .. 0 Fs1 Fp1 Fp2 Fs2 Nyq Where: * l_trans_bandwidth = Fp1 - Fs1 in Hz * Fh_trans_bandwidth = Fs2 - Fp2 + in Hz * ``freqs`` = `[Fp1, Fs1, Fs2, Fp2]` **Band-stop filter** The frequency response is (approximately) given by: .. image:: /static/image/edges_bandstop.svg .. .. 1-|--------- ---------- .. | \ / .. \|H\| | \ / .. | \ / .. | \ / .. 0-| ----------- .. | | | | | | .. 0 Fp1 Fs1 Fs2 Fp2 Nyq Where: * l_trans_bandwidth = Fs1 - Fp1 in Hz * Fh_trans_bandwidth = Fp2 - Fs2 + in Hz * ``freqs`` = `[Fp1, Fs1, Fs2, Fp2]` **Low-pass filter** The frequency response is (approximately) given by: .. image:: /static/image/edges_lowpass.svg .. 1-|------------------------ .. | \ .. \|H\| | \ .. | \ .. | \ .. 0-| ---------------- .. | | | | .. 0 Fp Fstop Nyq Where : * h_trans_bandwidth = Fstop - Fp in Hz * ``freqs`` = `[Fp, Fstop]` **High-pass filter** The frequency response is (approximately) given by: .. image:: /static/image/edges_highpass.svg .. .. 1-| ----------------------- .. | / .. \|H\| | / .. | / .. | / .. 0-|--------- .. | | | | .. 0 Fstop Fp Nyq Where : * l_trans_bandwidth = Fp - Fstop in Hz * ``freqs`` = `[Fstop, Fp]` Notes: Adapted from mne.filters, see the documentation of: * `mne.filters <>`_ """ # normalize frequencies _normalized_freqs = [f / nyq for f in frequencies] if mode == "highpass": if len(frequencies) == 1: l_freq = frequencies[0] l_trans_bandwidth = min(max(l_freq * 0.25, 2), l_freq) frequencies = [ l_freq - l_trans_bandwidth / 2, l_freq + l_trans_bandwidth / 2, ] "Filter Design: assuming {tb} Hz transition band.".format( tb=frequencies[1] - frequencies[0] ) ) wp, ws = frequencies[1], frequencies[0] elif mode == "lowpass": if len(frequencies) == 1: h_freq = frequencies[0] h_trans_bandwidth = min(max(h_freq * 0.25, 2.0), nyq - h_freq) frequencies = [ h_freq - h_trans_bandwidth / 2, h_freq + h_trans_bandwidth / 2, ] "Filter design: assuming {tb} Hz transition band.".format( tb=frequencies[1] - frequencies[0] ) ) wp, ws = _hz_to_nyq(frequencies, nyq) elif mode == "bandpass": if len(frequencies) == 2: lofreq, hifreq = frequencies minfreq = lofreq - 1 if lofreq > 1 else lofreq / 2 maxfreq = hifreq + 1 if hifreq < nyq - 1 else (hifreq + nyq) / 2 frequencies = [minfreq, lofreq, hifreq, maxfreq] "Filter Design: assuming {tb1} and {tb2} Hz transition band.".format( tb1=frequencies[2] - frequencies[1], tb2=frequencies[3] - frequencies[0], ) ) wp, ws = ( _hz_to_nyq([frequencies[1], frequencies[2]], nyq), _hz_to_nyq([frequencies[0], frequencies[3]], nyq), ) elif mode == "bandstop": if len(frequencies) == 2: l_freq, h_freq = frequencies l_trans_bandwidth = min(max(l_freq * 0.25, 2), l_freq) h_trans_bandwidth = min(max(h_freq * 0.25, 2.0), nyq - h_freq) frequencies = [ l_freq - l_trans_bandwidth / 2, l_freq + l_trans_bandwidth / 2, h_freq - h_trans_bandwidth / 2, h_freq + h_trans_bandwidth / 2, ] "Filter Design: assuming {tb1} and {tb2} Hz transition band.".format( tb1=frequencies[3] - frequencies[0], tb2=frequencies[1] - frequencies[2], ) ) wp, ws = ( _hz_to_nyq([frequencies[0], frequencies[3]], nyq), _hz_to_nyq([frequencies[1], frequencies[2]], nyq), ) else: raise ValueError("Unknown filter mode given: {mode} ".format(mode=mode)) if mode == "bandpass": frequencies = [0] + frequencies + [nyq] gains = [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0] elif mode == "bandstop": frequencies = [0] + frequencies + [nyq] gains = [1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1] elif mode == "highpass": frequencies = [0] + frequencies + [nyq] gains = [0, 0, 1, 1] elif mode == "lowpass": frequencies = [0] + frequencies + [nyq] gains = [1, 1, 0, 0] else: raise ValueError("unsupported filter mode: {mode}".format(mode=mode)) if any([f > nyq for f in frequencies]): raise ValueError( "One of the given frequencies exceeds the " "Nyquist frequency of the signal (%.1f)." % nyq ) return frequencies, gains, wp, ws
def _filter_attenuation(h, frequencies, gains): """Compute minimum attenuation at stop frequency. Args: h (array): Filter coefficients. frequencies (list): Transition frequencies normalized. gains (array): Filter gain at frequency sampling points. Returns: att_db: Minimum attenuation per frequency att_freq: Frequencies Notes: Adapted from mne.filters """ frequencies = np.array(frequencies) from scipy.signal import freqz _, filt_resp = freqz(h.ravel(), worN=np.pi * frequencies) filt_resp = np.abs(filt_resp) # use amplitude response filt_resp[np.where(gains == 1)] = 0 idx = np.argmax(filt_resp) att_db = -20 * np.log10(np.maximum(filt_resp[idx], 1e-20)) att_freq = frequencies[idx] return att_db, att_freq
[docs]def construct_fir_filter(rate, frequencies, gains, order, phase, window, design): """Construct coeffs of FIR filter. Args: rate (float): Nominal sampling rate of the input data. order (int): Filter order frequencies (list): Transition frequencies in Hz. design (str|'firwin2'): Design of the transfert function of the filter. phase (str|`linear`): Phase response ("zero", "zero-double" or "minimum"). window (float|`hamming`): The window to use in FIR design, ("hamming", "hann", or "blackman"). Returns: array h. FIR coeffs. Notes: Adapted from mne.filters, see the documentation of: * `mne.filters <>`_ * `scipy.signal.firwin2 <>`_ """ nyq = rate / 2.0 if design == "firwin2": from scipy.signal import firwin2 as design else: # not implemented yet raise ValueError("firwin, remez and firls have not been implemented yet ") # issue a warning if attenuation is less than this min_att_db = 12 if phase == "minimum" else 20 if frequencies[0] != 0 or frequencies[-1] != nyq: raise ValueError( "freq must start at 0 and end an Nyquist (%s), got %s" % (nyq, frequencies) ) gains = np.array(gains) if window == "kaiser": diffs = np.diff(frequencies) width = min(diffs[diffs > 0]) beta = signal.kaiser_beta(signal.kaiser_atten(order, width / nyq)) window = ("kaiser", beta) # check zero phase length N = int(order) if N % 2 == 0: if phase == "zero":'filter_length must be odd if phase="zero", ' "got %s" % N) N += 1 elif phase == "zero-double" and gains[-1] == 1: N += 1 # construct symmetric (linear phase) filter if phase == "minimum": h = design(N * 2 - 1, frequencies, gains, fs=rate, window=window) h = signal.minimum_phase(h) else: h = design(N, frequencies, gains, fs=rate, window=window) assert h.size == N att_db, att_freq = _filter_attenuation(h, frequencies, gains) if phase == "zero-double": att_db += 6 if att_db < min_att_db: att_freq *= rate / 2.0 "Attenuation at stop frequency %0.1fHz is only %0.1fdB. " "Increase filter_length for higher attenuation." % (att_freq, att_db) ) return h
[docs]def construct_iir_filter( rate, frequencies, filter_type, order=None, design="butter", pass_loss=3.0, stop_atten=50.0, output="sos", ): """Calculate an IIR filter kernel for a given sampling rate. Args: rate (float): Nominal sampling rate of the input data. order (int): Filter order frequencies (list): Transition frequencies in Hz. filter_type (str): Filter mode (`lowpass`, `highpass`, `bandstop` or `bandpass`). design (str|'butter'): Design of the transfert function of the filter (`butter`, `cheby1`, `cheby2`, `ellip`, `bessel`) pass_loss (float|`3.0`): For Chebyshev and elliptic filters, provides the maximum ripple in the passband. (dB). stop_atten (float|`50.0`): For Chebyshev and elliptic filters, provides the minimum attenuation in the stop band. (dB) Returns: array: sos. IIR coeffs. Notes: Adapted from mne.filters, see the documentation of: * `mne.filters <>`_ * `scipy.signal.iirfilter <>`_ * `scipy.signal.iirdesign <>`_ """ _minorder = { "butter": signal.buttord, "cheby1": signal.cheb1ord, "cheby2": signal.cheb2ord, "ellip": signal.ellip, } nyq = rate / 2.0 if order: # use order-based design wn = _hz_to_nyq(frequencies, nyq) out = signal.iirfilter( N=order, Wn=wn, rp=pass_loss, rs=stop_atten, btype=filter_type, ftype=design, output=output, ) return out, frequencies else: frequencies, gains, wp, ws = design_edges(frequencies, nyq, filter_type) out = signal.iirdesign( wp=wp, ws=ws, gstop=stop_atten, gpass=pass_loss, ftype=design, output=output ) return out, frequencies