

class timeflux_dsp.nodes.peaks.LocalDetect(delta, tol, reset=None)[source]

Bases: timeflux.core.node.Node

Detect peaks and valleys in live 1D signal

This node uses a simple algorithm to detect peaks in real time. When a local extrema (peak or valley) is detected, an event is sent with the nature specified in the label column (peak/ valley) andcthe characteristics in the data column, giving:

  • value: Amplitude of the extrema.

  • lag: Time laps between the extrema and its detection.

  • interval: Duration between two extrema os same nature.

  • i (Port) – Default input, expects DataFrame.

  • o (Port) – Events output, provides DataFrame.

  • delta (float) – Threshold for peak/valley matching in amplitude. This can be seen as the minimum significant change enough to detect a peak/valley.

  • tol (float) – Tolerence for peak/valley matching, in seconds. This can be seen as the minimum time difference between two peaks/valleys.

  • reset (float) – Reset threshold, in seconds. This can be seen as the maximum duration of plausible transitions between peaks and valleys. Default: None.



  - id: example
    - id: random
      module: timeflux.nodes.random
      class: Random

    - id: droprows
      module: timeflux_dsp.nodes.filters
      class: DropRows
        factor: 2

    - id: display
      module: timeflux.nodes.debug
      class: Display
    - source: random
      target: droprows
    - source: droprows
      target: display
    rate: 10


In this example, we stream a photoplethysmogram signal scaled between -1 and 1 and we use the node RealTimeDetect to detect peaks and valleys.

  • delta = 0.1

  • tol = 0.5

  • reset = None



                                label                                               data
2018-11-19 11:06:39.620900000    peak  {'value': [1.0054607391357422], 'lag': 0.03125, 'interval': 0.654236268}
2018-11-19 11:06:39.794709043  valley  {'value': [-1.0110111236572266], 'lag': 0.046875, 'interval': 0.654236268}
2018-11-19 11:06:40.605209027    peak  {'value': [0.9566234350204468],  'lag': 0.033197539, 'interval': 0.984309027}
2018-11-19 11:06:40.761455675  valley  {'value': [-1.0549353361129759], 'lag': 0.048816963, 'interval': 0.810499984}


This peak detection is considered real-time since it does not require buffering the data. However, the detection method necessarily involve a lag between the actual peak and its detection. Indeed, the internal state of the node is either “looking for a peak” or “looking for a valley”.

  • If the node is “looking for a peak”, it means it computes local maxima

    until the signal drops significantly (ie. more than delta)

  • If the node is “looking for a valley”, it means it computes local minima

    until the signal rises significantly (ie. more than delta)

The “last local extrema” is set to a peak (resp. valley) as soon as the signal drops (resp. rises) significantly. Hence, there is an intrinsic lag in the detection, that is directly linked to parameter delta.

Hence, by decreasing delta, we minimize the lag. But if delta is too small, we’ll suffer from false positive detection, unless tol is tuned to avoid too closed detections. The parameters should be tuned depending on the nature of the data, ie. their dynamic, quality, shapes.

See the illustration above:




  • allow for adaptive parametrization.

Instantiate the node.


Update the input and output ports.

class timeflux_dsp.nodes.peaks.RollingDetect(length: object = 0.5, tol: object = 0.1, rate: object = None)[source]

Bases: timeflux.core.node.Node

Detect peaks and valleys on a rolling window of analysis in 1D signal This node uses a buffer to compute local extrema and detect peaks in real time. When a local extrema (peak or valley) is detected, an event is sent with the nature specified in the label column (“peak”/”valley) and the characteristics in the data column, giving:

  • value: Amplitude of the extrema.

  • lag: Time laps between the extrema and its detection.

  • interval: Duration between two extrema os same nature.

  • window (float) – Window of analysis in seconds, on which local max/min is computed.

  • tol (float) – Tolerance for peak/valley matching, in seconds.

  • difference (This can be seen as the minimum time) –

  • peaks/valleys. (between two) –

  • i (Port) – Default input, expects DataFrame.

  • o (Port) – Events output, provides DataFrame.

Instantiate the node.


Update the input and output ports.

class timeflux_dsp.nodes.peaks.Rate(event_trigger='peak', event_label='label')[source]

Bases: timeflux.core.node.Node

Computes rate of an event given its label.

This node computes the inverse duration (ie. instantaneous rate) between onsets of successive events with a marker matching the event_trigger in the event_label column of the event input,

  • i (Port) – Default input, expects DataFrame.

  • o (Port) – Default output, provides DataFrame.

  • event_trigger (string) – The marker name.

  • event_label (string) – The column to match for event_trigger.

Instantiate the node.


Update the input and output ports.