Source code for

"""Machine Learning"""

import importlib
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import json
from joblib import load
from jsonschema import validate
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from timeflux.core.node import Node
from timeflux.core.exceptions import ValidationError, WorkerInterrupt
from timeflux.helpers.background import Task
from timeflux.helpers.port import make_event, match_events, get_meta
from timeflux.helpers.clock import now, min_time, max_time

# Statuses
IDLE = 0

[docs]class Pipeline(Node): """Fit, transform and predict. Training on continuous data is always unsupervised. Training on epoched data can either be supervised or unsupervised. If fit is `False`, input events are ignored, and initital training is not performed. Automatically set to False if mode is either 'fit_predict' or fit_transform'. Automatically set to True if mode is either 'predict', 'predict_proba' or 'predict_log_proba'. Attributes: i (Port): Continuous data input, expects DataFrame. i_* (Port): Epoched data input, expects DataFrame. i_training (Port): Continuous training data input, expects DataFrame. i_training_* (Port): Epoched training data input, expects DataFrame. i_events (Port): Event input, expects DataFrame. o (Port): Continuous data output, provides DataFrame. o_* (Port): Epoched data output, provides DataFrame. o_events (Port): Event output, provides DataFrame. Args: steps (dict): Pipeline steps and settings (ignored if 'model' is set) fit (bool): mode ('predict'|'predict_proba'|'predict_log_proba'|'transform'|'fit_predict'|'fit_transform'): meta_label (str|tuple|None): event_start_accumulation (str): event_stop_accumulation (str): event_start_training (str): event_reset (str): buffer_size (str): passthrough (bool): resample (bool): resample_direction ('right'|'left'|'both'): resample_rate (None|float): warmup (str): Load a .npy or .npz file and bootstrap the model with initial data model (str): Load a pre-computed model, persisted with joblib cv: Cross-validation - NOT IMPLEMENTED """ def __init__( self, steps=None, fit=True, mode="predict", meta_label=("epoch", "context", "target"), event_start_accumulation="accumulation_starts", event_stop_accumulation="accumulation_stops", event_start_training="training_starts", event_reset=None, buffer_size="5s", passthrough=False, resample=False, resample_direction="right", resample_rate=None, warmup=None, model=None, cv=None, ): # TODO: validation # TODO: model loading from file # TODO: cross-validation # TODO: provide more context for errors = fit self.mode = mode self.meta_label = meta_label self.event_start_accumulation = event_start_accumulation self.event_stop_accumulation = event_stop_accumulation self.event_start_training = event_start_training self.event_reset = event_reset self.passthrough = passthrough self.resample = resample self.resample_direction = resample_direction self.resample_rate = resample_rate self.warmup = warmup self.model = model self._buffer_size = pd.Timedelta(buffer_size) if model: self._load_pipeline(model) elif steps: self._make_pipeline(steps) else: raise ValueError("You must pass either a 'steps' or 'model' argument") self._reset()
[docs] def update(self): # Let's get ready self._clear() # Reset if self.event_reset: matches = match_events(self.i_events, self.event_reset) if matches is not None: self.logger.debug("Reset") if self._status == FITTING: self._task.stop() self._reset() # Are we dealing with continuous data or epochs? if self._dimensions is None: port_name = "i_training" if else "i" if getattr(self, port_name).ready(): self._dimensions = 2 elif len(list(self.iterate(port_name + "_*"))) > 0: self._dimensions = 3 # Set the accumulation boundaries if self._accumulation_start is None: matches = match_events(self.i_events, self.event_start_accumulation) if matches is not None: self._accumulation_start = matches.index.values[0] self._status = ACCUMULATING self.logger.debug("Start accumulation") if self._accumulation_stop is None: matches = match_events(self.i_events, self.event_stop_accumulation) if matches is not None: self._accumulation_stop = matches.index.values[0] self.logger.debug("Stop accumulation") # Always buffer a few seconds, in case the start event is coming late if self._status == IDLE: start = (now() - self._buffer_size).to_datetime64() stop = max_time() self._accumulate(start, stop) # Accumulate between boundaries if self._status == ACCUMULATING: start = self._accumulation_start stop = self._accumulation_stop if self._accumulation_stop else max_time() self._accumulate(start, stop) # Should we start fitting the model? if self._status < FITTING: if match_events(self.i_events, self.event_start_training) is not None: self._status = FITTING self.logger.debug("Start training") self._warmup() self._task = Task( self._pipeline, "fit", self._X_train, self._y_train ).start() # Is the model ready? if self._status == FITTING: status = self._task.status() if status: if status["success"]: self._pipeline = status["instance"] self._status = READY self.logger.debug(f"Model fitted in {status['time']} seconds") = make_event("ready") else: self.logger.error( f"An error occured while fitting: {status['exception'].args[0]}" ) self.logger.debug( "\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n" + "".join(status["traceback"]) ) raise WorkerInterrupt() # Run the pipeline if self._status == READY: self._receive() if self._X is not None: args = [self._X] if self.mode.startswith("fit"): args.append(self._y) # TODO: optionally loop through epochs instead of sending them all at once self._out = getattr(self._pipeline, self.mode)(*args) # Set output streams self._send()
[docs] def terminate(self): # Kill the fit subprocess if self._task is not None: self._task.stop()
def _reset(self): self._X_train = None self._y_train = None self._X_train_indices = np.array([], dtype=np.datetime64) self._accumulation_start = None self._accumulation_stop = None self._dimensions = None self._shape = () self._task = None if self.mode.startswith("fit"): = False elif self.mode.startswith("predict"): = True if self.model is not None: = False if not self.mode.startswith("fit"): self.meta_label = None if self._status = IDLE else: self._status = READY def _clear(self): self._X = None self._y = None self._X_indices = [] self._X_columns = [] self._X_meta = None self._out = None def _make_pipeline(self, steps): schema = { "type": "array", "minItems": 1, "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "module": {"type": "string"}, "class": {"type": "string"}, "args": {"type": "object"}, }, "required": ["module", "class"], }, } try: validate(instance=steps, schema=schema) except Exception as error: raise ValidationError("steps", error.message) pipeline = [] for step in steps: try: args = step["args"] if "args" in step else {} m = importlib.import_module(step["module"]) c = getattr(m, step["class"]) i = c(**args) pipeline.append(i) except ImportError as error: raise ValidationError("steps", f"could not import '{step['module']}'") except AttributeError as error: raise ValidationError( "steps", f"could not find class '{step['class']}'" ) except TypeError as error: raise ValidationError( "steps", f"could not instantiate class '{step['class']}' with the given params", ) # TODO: memory and verbose args self._pipeline = make_pipeline(*pipeline, memory=None, verbose=False) def _load_pipeline(self, path): try: self._pipeline = load(path) except: self.logger.error("Could not load model") raise WorkerInterrupt() def _warmup(self): if self.warmup: try: data = np.load(self.warmup) if type(data) == np.ndarray: data = { "X": data } # .npy return an ndarray while .npz return a dict if "X" in data: if self._X_train is None: self._X_train = data["X"] else: self._X_train = np.vstack((data["X"], self._X_train)) else: self.logger.warning("Warmup data is missing") if "y" in data: if self._y_train is None: self._y_train = data["y"] else: self._y_train = np.append(data["y"], self._y_train) else:"Warmup labels are missing") # OK if unsupervised except OSError: self.logger.error("Warmup file does not exist or cannot be read") raise WorkerInterrupt() except ValueError: self.logger.error("Warmup and training data dimensions do not match") raise WorkerInterrupt() def _accumulate(self, start, stop): # Do nothing if no fitting required if not return # Set defaults indices = np.array([], dtype=np.datetime64) # Accumulate continuous data if self._dimensions == 2: if self.i_training.ready(): data = mask = (data.index >= start) & (data.index < stop) data = data[mask] if not data.empty: if self._X_train is None: self._X_train = data.values self._shape = self._X_train.shape[1] indices = data.index.values else: if data.shape[1] == self._shape: self._X_train = np.vstack((self._X_train, data.values)) indices = data.index.values else: self.logger.warning("Invalid shape") # Accumulate epoched data if self._dimensions == 3: for _, _, port in self.iterate("i_training_*"): if port.ready(): index =[0] if index >= start and index < stop: data = label = get_meta(port, self.meta_label) if self._shape and (data.shape != self._shape): self.logger.warning("Invalid shape") continue if self.meta_label is not None and label is None: self.logger.warning("Invalid label") continue if self._X_train is None: self._X_train = np.array([data]) self._shape = self._X_train.shape[1:] else: self._X_train = np.vstack((self._X_train, [data])) indices = np.append(indices, index) if label is not None: if self._y_train is None: self._y_train = np.array([label]) else: self._y_train = np.append(self._y_train, [label]) # Store indices if indices.size != 0: self._X_train_indices = np.append(self._X_train_indices, indices) # Trim if self._X_train is not None: mask = (self._X_train_indices >= start) & (self._X_train_indices < stop) self._X_train = self._X_train[mask] self._X_train_indices = self._X_train_indices[mask] if self._y_train is not None: self._y_train = self._y_train[mask] def _receive(self): # Continuous data if self._dimensions == 2: if self.i.ready(): if not self._X_columns: self._X_columns = list( if self._shape and ([1] != self._shape): self.logger.warning("Invalid shape") else: self._X = self._X_indices = self._X_meta = self.i.meta # Epochs if self._dimensions == 3: for name, _, port in self.iterate("i_*"): if port.ready() and "training" not in name and "events" not in name: data = meta = port.meta indices = label = get_meta(port, self.meta_label) if not self._X_columns: self._X_columns = list( if self._shape and (data.shape != self._shape): self.logger.warning("Invalid shape") continue if not and self.meta_label is not None and label is None: self.logger.warning("Invalid label") continue if self._X is None: self._X = [] if self._y is None and label is not None: self._y = [] if self._X_meta is None: self._X_meta = [] self._X.append(data) self._X_indices.append(indices) self._X_meta.append(meta) if label is not None: self._y.append(label) def _send(self): # Passthrough if self._status < READY and self.passthrough: inputs = [] for _, suffix, port in self.iterate("i*"): if not suffix.startswith("_training") and not suffix.startswith( "_events" ): inputs.append((suffix, port)) for suffix, src_port in inputs: dst_port = getattr(self, "o" + suffix) = dst_port.meta = src_port.meta # Model if self._out is not None: if "predict" in self.mode: # Send events if len(self._X_indices) == len(self._out): # TODO: skip JSON serialization? data = [ [self.mode, json.dumps({"result": self._np_to_native(result)})] for result in self._out ] times = ( self._X_indices if self._dimensions == 2 else np.asarray(self._X_indices)[:, 0] ) # Keep the first timestamp of each epoch names = ["label", "data"] meta = ( self._X_meta if self._dimensions == 2 else {"epochs": self._X_meta} ) # port.meta should always be an object if hasattr(self._pipeline, "classes_"): meta["classes"] = list(self._pipeline.classes_) rows = pd.DataFrame(data, index=times, columns=names) if self.o_events.ready(): # Make sure we don't overwrite other events = pd.concat([, rows]) else: = rows self.o_events.meta = meta else: self.logger.warning( "Number of predictions inconsistent with input length" ) else: # Send data if self._dimensions == 2: try: = self._reindex( self._out, self._X_indices, self._X_columns ) self.o.meta = self._X_meta except Exception as e: self.logger.warning(getattr(e, "message", repr(e))) if self._dimensions == 3: if len(self._X_indices) == len(self._out): for i, (data, times) in enumerate( zip(self._out, self._X_indices) ): try: getattr(self, "o_" + str(i)).data = self._reindex( data, times, self._X_columns ) getattr(self, "o_" + str(i)).meta = self._X_meta[i] except Exception as e: self.logger.warning(getattr(e, "message", repr(e))) else: self.logger.warning( "Number of transforms inconsistent with number of epochs" ) def _np_to_native(self, data): """Convert numpy scalars and objects to native types.""" return getattr(data, "tolist", lambda: data)() def _reindex(self, data, times, columns): if len(data) != len(times): if self.resample: # Resample at a specific frequency kwargs = {"periods": len(data)} if self.resample_rate is None: kwargs["freq"] = pd.infer_freq(times) kwargs["freq"] = pd.tseries.frequencies.to_offset(kwargs["freq"]) else: kwargs["freq"] = pd.DateOffset(seconds=1 / self.resample_rate) if self.resample_direction == "right": kwargs["start"] = times[0] elif self.resample_direction == "left": kwargs["end"] = times[-1] else: def middle(a): return int(np.ceil(len(a) / 2)) - 1 kwargs["start"] = times[middle(times)] - ( middle(data) * kwargs["freq"] ) times = pd.date_range(**kwargs) else: # Linearly arange between first and last times = pd.date_range(start=times[0], end=times[-1], periods=len(data)) return pd.DataFrame(data, times, columns)