Source code for timeflux.nodes.hdf5

"""timeflux.nodes.hdf5: HDF5 nodes"""

import pandas as pd
import timeflux.helpers.clock as clock
import sys
import os
import time
from timeflux.core.exceptions import WorkerInterrupt, WorkerLoadError
from timeflux.core.node import Node

# Ignore the "object name is not a valid Python identifier" message
import warnings
from tables.exceptions import NaturalNameWarning

warnings.simplefilter("ignore", NaturalNameWarning)

[docs]class Replay(Node): """Replay a HDF5 file.""" def __init__(self, filename, keys, speed=1, timespan=None, resync=True, start=0): """ Initialize. Parameters ---------- filename : string The path to the HDF5 file. keys: list The list of keys to replay. speed: float The speed at which the data must be replayed. 1 means real-time. Default: 1 timespan: float The timespan of each chunk, in seconds. If not None, will take precedence over the `speed` parameter Default: None resync: boolean If False, timestamps will not be resync'ed to current time Default: True start: float Start directly at the given time offset, in seconds Default: 0 """ # Load store try: self._store = pd.HDFStore(self._find_path(filename), mode="r") except IOError as e: raise WorkerInterrupt(e) # Init self._sources = {} self._start = pd.Timestamp.max self._stop = pd.Timestamp.min self._speed = speed self._timespan = None if not timespan else pd.Timedelta(f"{timespan}s") self._resync = resync for key in keys: try: # Check format if not self._store.get_storer(key).is_table: self.logger.warning("%s: Fixed format. Will be skipped.", key) continue # Get first index first =, start=0, stop=1).index[0] # Get last index nrows = self._store.get_storer(key).nrows last =, start=nrows - 1, stop=nrows).index[0] # Check index type if type(first) != pd.Timestamp: self.logger.warning("%s: Invalid index. Will be skipped.", key) continue # Find lowest and highest indices across stores if first < self._start: self._start = first if last > self._stop: self._stop = last # Extract meta if self._store.get_node(key)._v_attrs.__contains__("meta"): meta = self._store.get_node(key)._v_attrs["meta"] else: meta = {} # Set output port name, port will be created dynamically name = "o" + key.replace("/", "_") # Update sources self._sources[key] = { "start": first, "stop": last, "nrows": nrows, "name": name, "meta": meta, } except KeyError: self.logger.warning("%s: Key not found.", key) # Current time now = # Starting timestamp self._start += pd.Timedelta(f"{start}s") # Time offset self._offset = pd.Timestamp(now) - self._start # Current query time self._current = self._start # Last update self._last = now
[docs] def update(self): if self._current > self._stop: raise WorkerInterrupt("No more data.") min = self._current if self._timespan: max = min + self._timespan else: now = ellapsed = now - self._last max = min + ellapsed * self._speed self._last = now for key, source in self._sources.items(): # Select data data =, "index >= min & index < max") # Add offset if self._resync: data.index += self._offset # Update port getattr(self, source["name"]).data = data getattr(self, source["name"]).meta = source["meta"] self._current = max
[docs] def terminate(self): self._store.close()
def _find_path(self, path): path = os.path.normpath(path) if os.path.isabs(path): if os.path.isfile(path): return path else: for base in sys.path: full_path = os.path.join(base, path) if os.path.isfile(full_path): return full_path raise WorkerLoadError(f"File `{path}` could not be found in the search path.")
[docs]class Save(Node): """Save to HDF5.""" def __init__( self, filename=None, path="/tmp", complib="zlib", complevel=3, min_itemsize=None ): """ Initialize. Parameters ---------- filename: string Name of the file (inside the path set by parameter). If not set, an auto-generated filename is used. path : string The directory where the HDF5 file will be written. Default: "/tmp" complib : string The compression lib to be used. see: Default: "zlib" complevel : int The compression level. A value of 0 disables compression. Default: 3 see: min_itemsize : int The string columns size Default: None see: see: """ os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) if filename is None: filename = os.path.join( path, time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.hdf5", time.gmtime()) ) else: filename = os.path.join(path, filename)"Saving to %s", filename) self._store = pd.HDFStore(filename, complib=complib, complevel=complevel) self.min_itemsize = min_itemsize
[docs] def update(self): if self.ports is not None: for name, port in self.ports.items(): if not name.startswith("i"): continue key = "/" + name[2:].replace("_", "/") if is not None: if isinstance(, pd.DataFrame): = None self._store.append(key,, min_itemsize=self.min_itemsize) if port.meta is not None and port.meta: # Note: not none and not an empty dict, because this operation # overwrites previous metadata and an empty dict would # just remove any previous change node = self._store.get_node(key) if node: self._store.get_node(key)._v_attrs["meta"] = port.meta
[docs] def terminate(self): try: self._store.close() except Exception: # Just in case pass