Source code for timeflux.nodes.epoch

"""Epoching nodes"""

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import json
import xarray as xr
from timeflux.core.node import Node
from timeflux.core.exceptions import WorkerInterrupt
from timeflux.helpers.port import match_events

[docs]class Samples(Node): """Fixed-size epoching. This node produces equal-length epochs from the default input stream. These epochs are triggered from the `events` stream. Each epoch contains contextual metadata, making this node ideal in front of the `ml` node to train a model. Non-monotonic data, late data, late events, jittered data and jumbled events are all handled reasonably well. Multiple epochs are automatically assigned to dynamic outputs ports. For convenience, the first epoch is bound to the default output, so you can avoid enumerating all output ports if you expects only one epoch. Attributes: i (Port): Default data input, expects DataFrame. i_events (Port): Event input, expects DataFrame. o (Port): Default output, provides DataFrame and meta. o_* (Port): Dynamic outputs, provide DataFrame and meta. Args: trigger (string): The marker name. length (float): The length of the epoch, in seconds. rate (float): The rate of the input stream. If None (the default), it will be taken from the meta data. buffer (float): The length of the buffer, in seconds (default: 5). """ def __init__(self, trigger, length=0.6, rate=None, buffer=5): self._trigger = trigger self._duration_epoch = length self._duration_buffer = buffer self._rate = rate self._length_epoch = None self._length_buffer = None self._buffer = None self._epochs = []
[docs] def update(self): if self.i.ready(): # We need a rate, either as an argument or from the input meta if not self._rate: if not "rate" in self.i.meta: self.logger.error("Rate is not specified") raise WorkerInterrupt() self._rate = self.i.meta["rate"] if not self._length_buffer: self._length_buffer = round(self._duration_buffer * self._rate) if not self._length_epoch: self._length_epoch = round(self._duration_epoch * self._rate) # Append to main buffer if self._buffer is None: self._buffer = else: self._buffer = pd.concat([self._buffer,]) # Detect onsets matches = match_events(self.i_events, self._trigger) if matches is not None: for index, row in matches.iterrows(): # Start a new epoch try: context = json.loads(row["data"]) except json.JSONDecodeError: context = row["data"] except TypeError: context = {} self._epochs.append( { "data": None, "meta": {"onset": index, "context": context}, } ) # Update epochs if self._epochs and self.i.ready(): indices = [] for index, epoch in enumerate(self._epochs): if epoch["data"] is None: # Discard if the event is outdated if epoch["meta"]["onset"] < self._buffer.index[0]: self.logger.warning("Oudated event") indices.append(index) # Find the first sample and initialize the epoch mask = self._buffer.index >= epoch["meta"]["onset"] data = self._buffer[mask][: self._length_epoch] if len(data) > 0: epoch["data"] = data else: # Append mask = self._buffer.index > epoch["data"].index[-1] remaining = self._length_epoch - len(epoch["data"]) epoch["data"] = pd.concat( [epoch["data"], self._buffer[mask][:remaining]] ) # Send if the epoch is complete if ( epoch["data"] is not None and len(epoch["data"]) == self._length_epoch ): o = getattr(self, "o_" + str(len(indices))) = epoch["data"] o.meta = {"rate": self._rate, "epoch": epoch["meta"]} indices.append(index) if len(indices) > 0: # Remove complete epochs for index in sorted(set(indices), reverse=True): del self._epochs[index] self.o = self.o_0 # Bind default output to the first epoch # Trim main buffer if self._buffer is not None: if len(self._buffer) > self._length_buffer: low = len(self._buffer) - self._length_buffer self._buffer = self._buffer[low:]
[docs]class Epoch(Node): """Event-triggered epoching. This node continuously buffers a small amount of data (of a duration of ``before`` seconds) from the default input stream. When it detects a marker matching the ``event_trigger`` in the ``label`` column of the event input stream, it starts accumulating data for ``after`` seconds. It then sends the epoched data to an output stream, and sets the metadata to a dictionary containing the triggering marker and optional event data. Multiple, overlapping epochs are authorized. Each concurrent epoch is assigned its own `Port`. For convenience, the first epoch is bound to the default output, so you can avoid enumerating all output ports if you expects only one epoch. Attributes: i (Port): Default data input, expects DataFrame. i_events (Port): Event input, expects DataFrame. o (Port): Default output, provides DataFrame and meta. o_* (Port): Dynamic outputs, provide DataFrame and meta. Args: event_trigger (string): The marker name. before (float): Length before onset, in seconds. after (float): Length after onset, in seconds. Example: .. literalinclude:: /../examples/epoch.yaml :language: yaml """ def __init__(self, event_trigger, before=0.2, after=0.6): self._event_trigger = event_trigger self._before = pd.Timedelta(seconds=before) self._after = pd.Timedelta(seconds=after) self._buffer = None self._epochs = []
[docs] def update(self): # Append to main buffer if is not None: if not if self._buffer is None: self._buffer = else: self._buffer = pd.concat([self._buffer,]) # Detect onset matches = match_events(self.i_events, self._event_trigger) if matches is not None: for index, row in matches.iterrows(): # Start a new epoch low = index - self._before high = index + self._after if self._buffer is not None: if not self._buffer.index.is_monotonic_increasing: self.logger.warning("Index must be monotonic. Skipping epoch.") return try: context = json.loads(row["data"]) except json.JSONDecodeError: context = row["data"] except TypeError: context = {} self._epochs.append( { "data": self._buffer[low:high], "meta": { "onset": index, "context": context, "before": self._before.total_seconds(), "after": self._after.total_seconds(), }, } ) # Trim main buffer if self._buffer is not None: low = self._buffer.index[-1] - self._before self._buffer = self._buffer[low:] # Update epochs if self._epochs and self.i.ready(): complete = 0 for epoch in self._epochs: high = epoch["meta"]["onset"] + self._after last =[-1] if epoch["data"].empty: low = epoch["meta"]["onset"] - self._before mask = ( >= low) & ( <= high) else: low = epoch["data"].index[-1] mask = ( > low) & ( <= high) # Append epoch["data"] = pd.concat([epoch["data"],[mask]]) # Send if we have enough data if last >= high: o = getattr(self, "o_" + str(complete)) = epoch["data"] o.meta = {"epoch": epoch["meta"]} complete += 1 if complete > 0: del self._epochs[:complete] # Unqueue self.o = self.o_0 # Bind default output to the first epoch
[docs]class Trim(Node): """Trim data so epochs are of equal length. Because real-time data is often jittered, the `Epoch` node is not always able to provide dataframes of equal dimensions. This can be problematic if the data is further processed by the `Pipeline` node, for example. This simple node takes care of trimming the extra samples. It should be placed just after an `Epoch` node. Attributes: i_* (Port): Epoched data input, expects DataFrame. o_* (Port): Trimmed epochs, provides DataFrame and meta. Args: samples (int): The maximum number of samples per epoch. If `0`, the size of the first epoch is used. """ def __init__(self, samples=0): self.samples = samples
[docs] def update(self): ports = [] for _, _, port in self.iterate("i_*"): if port.ready(): if self.samples == 0: self.samples = len( if len( < self.samples: self.logger.warn( f"Epoch rejected: not enough sample ({len(}<{self.samples})" ) else: = ports.append(port) for i, port in enumerate(ports): o = getattr(self, f"o_{i}") = o.meta = port.meta
[docs]class ToXArray(Node): """Convert multiple epochs to DataArray This node iterates over input ports with valid epochs, concatenates them on the first axis, and creates a XArray with dimensions ('epoch', 'time', 'space') where epoch corresponds to th input ports, time to the ports data index and space to the ports data columns. A port is considered to be valid if it has meta with key 'epoch' and data with expected number of samples. If some epoch have an invalid length (which happens when the data has jitter), the node either raises a warning, an error or pass. Attributes: i_* (Port): Dynamic inputs, expects DataFrame and meta. o (Port): Default output, provides DataArray and meta. Args: reporting (string| None): How this function handles epochs with invalid length: `warn` will issue a warning with :py:func:`warnings.warn`, `error` will raise an exception, `None` will ignore it. output (`DataArray`|`Dataset`): Type of output to return context_key (string|None): If output type is `Dataset`, key to define the target of the event. If `None`, the whole context is considered. """ def __init__(self, reporting="warn", output="DataArray", context_key=None): self._reporting = reporting self._output = output self._context_key = context_key self._columns = self._before = self._after = None self._ready = False
[docs] def update(self): if not self._ready: ports_ready = [port for _, _, port in self.iterate("i*") if port.ready()] if len(ports_ready) < 1: return # initialize attributes on first ready port port = ports_ready[0] if port.ready(): self._columns = self._before = port.meta["epoch"]["before"] self._after = port.meta["epoch"]["after"] self._num_times = len( self._times = pd.TimedeltaIndex( data=np.linspace(-self._before, self._after, self._num_times), unit="s", ) self._rate = 1 / (self._times[1] - self._times[0]).total_seconds() self._ready = True ports_ready = [ port for _, _, port in self.iterate(name="i*") if self._valid_port(port) ] if not ports_ready: return list_onset = [port.meta["epoch"].get("onset") for port in ports_ready] list_context = [port.meta["epoch"].get("context") for port in ports_ready] list_epochs = [ for port in ports_ready] data = np.stack([epoch.values for epoch in list_epochs], axis=0) meta = { "epochs_context": list_context, "epochs_onset": list_onset, "rate": self._rate, } if self._output == "DataArray": if self._context_key is not None: data_array = xr.DataArray( data, dims=("target", "time", "space"), coords=( [self._extract_target(context) for context in list_context], self._times, self._columns, ), ) else: data_array = xr.DataArray( data, dims=("epoch", "time", "space"), coords=(np.arange(data.shape[0]), self._times, self._columns), ) = data_array self.o.meta = meta else: # Dataset data_array = xr.DataArray( data, dims=("epoch", "time", "space"), coords=(np.arange(data.shape[0]), self._times, self._columns), ) = xr.Dataset( { "data": data_array, "target": [ self._extract_target(context) for context in list_context ], } ) self.o.meta = meta
def _extract_target(self, context): if self._context_key is None: return context else: if isinstance(context, str): context = json.loads(context) return context.get(self._context_key) def _valid_port(self, port): """Checks that the port has valid meta and data.""" if is None or return False if "epoch" not in port.meta: return False if[0] != self._num_times: if self._reporting == "error": raise WorkerInterrupt( f"Received an epoch with {[0]} " f"samples instead of {self._num_times}." ) elif self._reporting == "warn": self.logger.warning( f"Received an epoch with {[0]} " f"samples instead of {self._num_times}. " f"Skipping." ) return False else: # reporting is None # be cool return False return True