Source code for timeflux.helpers.clock

"""Time and rate helpers"""

import sys
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from time import time, perf_counter
from datetime import datetime

[docs]def now(): """Return the current time as `np.datetime64['us']`.""" # return pd.Timestamp(time(), unit='s') # return float_to_time(time()) return np.datetime64(int(time() * 1e6), "us")
[docs]def float_to_time(timestamp): """Convert a `np.float64` to a `np.datetime64['us']`.""" return np.datetime64(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp), "us")
[docs]def float_index_to_time_index(df): """Convert a dataframe float indices to `datetime64['us']` indices.""" df.index = df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index, unit="us", utc=True) return df
[docs]def time_to_float(timestamp): """Convert a `np.datetime64['us']` to a `np.float64`.""" return timestamp.astype(np.float64) / 1e6
[docs]def min_time(unit="ns"): """Return the minimum datetime for this platform.""" return np.datetime64(-int(sys.maxsize), unit)
[docs]def max_time(unit="ns"): """Return the maximum datetime for this platform.""" return np.datetime64(int(sys.maxsize), unit)
[docs]def effective_rate(df): """A simple method to compute the effective rate.""" if df.shape[0] < 2: return None rate = df.shape[0] / (df.index[-1] - df.index[0]).total_seconds() return rate
[docs]def absolute_offset(): """Return the offset between the UTC timestamp and a precision timer such as the LSL precision clock.""" return pd.Timestamp(time(), unit="s") - pd.Timestamp(perf_counter(), unit="s")
[docs]def time_range(start, stop, num): """Return ``num`` evenly spaced timestamps between ``start`` and ``stop`` (`np.datetime64`).""" return np.linspace( start.astype(np.uint64), stop.astype(np.uint64), num, False, dtype="datetime64[us]", )