Source code for timeflux_rasr.estimators.rasr

from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
from pyriemann.utils.covariance import _check_est
from pyriemann.utils.covariance import covariances
from scipy.linalg import sqrtm, eigh
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import gammaincinv
from scipy.special import gamma
import logging
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_array, check_is_fitted
from timeflux_rasr.helpers.utils import geometric_median, check_params

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class RASR(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """RASR Implements this ( paper. Matlab code from the author here: Parameters ---------- estimator : string (default: 'scm') covariance matrix estimator. For regularization consider 'lwf' or 'oas' For a complete list of estimator, see `pyriemann.utils.covariance` rejection_cutoff : float (default: 3.0) Standard deviation cutoff for rejection. Data portions whose variance is larger than this threshold relative to the calibration data are considered missing data and will be removed. The most aggressive value that can be used without losing too much EEG is 2.5. A quite conservative value would be 5. max_dimension : float (default: 0.66) Maximum dimensionality of artifacts to remove. Up to this many dimensions (or up to this fraction of dimensions) can be removed for a given data segment. If the algorithm needs to tolerate extreme artifacts a higher value than the default may be used (the maximum fraction is 1.0). max_dropout_fraction : float (default: 0.1) Maximum fraction of windows that can be subject to signal dropouts (e.g., sensor unplugged), used for threshold estimation in _fit_eeg_distribution. min_clean_fraction : float (default: 0.25) Minimum fraction of windows that need to be clean, used for threshold estimation in _fit_eeg_distribution. quantile_range, step_sizes, beta_range : additional parameters passed to _fit_eeg_distribution (should be kept as default in general). Attributes ---------- Ne_ : int The dimension managed by the fitted RASR, e.g. number of electrodes. mixing_ : ndarray, shape(n_chan, n_chan) Mixing matrix computed from geometric median covariance matrix U such as: :math:`mixing = M: M*M = U` threshold_ : ndarray, shape(n_chan,) Threshold operator used to find the subspace dimension such as: :math:`threshold = T: X_{clean} = m ( V^T_{clean} M )^+ V^T X` """ def __init__( self, estimator="scm", rejection_cutoff=3.0, max_dimension=0.66, **kwargs ): """Init.""" self.Ne_ = None # will be initialized during training self.estimator = _check_est(estimator) self.max_dimension = max_dimension self.rejection_cutoff = rejection_cutoff self.args_eeg_distribution, invalids = check_params( _fit_eeg_distribution, return_invalids=True, **kwargs ) if not invalids == {}: raise ValueError(f"got an unexpected keyword arguments '{invalids}'")
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None): """ Parameters ---------- X : ndarray, shape (n_trials, n_samples, n_channels) Training data, already filtered. y : ndarray, shape (n_trials,) | None, optional labels corresponding to each trial, not used (mentioned for sklearn comp) Returns ------- self : RASR instance. the fitted RASR estimator. """ X = check_array(X, allow_nd=True) shapeX = X.shape if len(shapeX) == 3: # concatenate all epochs ( Nt, Ns, Ne, ) = shapeX # 3D array (not fully sklearn-compatible). First dim should always be trials. else: raise ValueError("X.shape should be (n_trials, n_samples, n_electrodes).") assert Ne < Ns, ( "number of samples should be higher than number of electrodes, check than \n" + "X.shape is (n_trials, n_samples, n_channels)." ) if shapeX[0] < 100: raise ValueError("Training requires at least 100 of trials to fit.") self.Ne_ = Ne # save attribute for testing epochs = X.copy() epochs = check_array(epochs, allow_nd=True) # estimate covariances matrices covmats = covariances( np.swapaxes(epochs, 1, 2), estimator=self.estimator ) # (n_trials, n_channels, n_times) covmats = check_array(covmats, allow_nd=True) # geometric median # NOTE: while the term geometric median is used, it is NOT riemannian median but euclidian median, i.e. # it might be suboptimal for Symmetric Positive Definite matrices. logger.debug("geometric median") # covmean = mean_covariance(covmats, metric=self.metric_mean) covmean = np.reshape( geometric_median( np.reshape( covmats, (covmats.shape[0], covmats.shape[1] * covmats.shape[2]) ) ), (covmats.shape[1], covmats.shape[2]), ) self.mixing_ = sqrtm(covmean) # estimate matrix matrix # TODO: implement both manifold-aware PCA (rASR) and standard PCA (ASR) evals, evecs = eigh(self.mixing_) # compute PCA indx = np.argsort(evals) # sort in ascending evecs = evecs[:, indx] epochs = np.tensordot(epochs, evecs, axes=(2, 0)) # apply PCA to epochs # RMS on sliding window rms_sliding = _rms(epochs) dist_params = np.zeros( (Ne, 4) ) # mu, sig, alpha, beta parameters of estimated distribution # TODO: use joblib to parrallelize this loop (code bottleneck) for c in range(Ne): dist_params[c, :] = _fit_eeg_distribution( rms_sliding[:, c], **self.args_eeg_distribution ) # TODO: double check threshold_ self.threshold_ = np.diag( dist_params[:, 0] + self.rejection_cutoff * dist_params[:, 1] ).dot(np.transpose(evecs)) logger.debug("rASR calibrated") return self
[docs] def transform(self, X): """Clean signal Parameters ---------- X : ndarray, shape (n_trials, n_samples, n_channels) Data to clean, already filtered Returns ------- Xclean : ndarray, shape (n_trials, n_samples, n_channels) Cleaned data """ check_is_fitted(self, ["Ne_", "mixing_", "threshold_"]) X = check_array(X, allow_nd=True) shapeX = X.shape if len(shapeX) == 3: Nt, Ns, Ne = shapeX else: raise ValueError("X.shape should be (n_trials, n_samples, n_electrodes).") Xclean = np.zeros((Nt, Ns, Ne)) assert Ne < Ns, ( "number of samples should be higher than number of electrodes, check than \n" + "X.shape is (n_trials, n_samples, n_channels)." ) covmats = covariances( np.swapaxes(X, 1, 2), estimator=self.estimator ) # (n_trials, n_channels, n_times) # TODO: parallelizing the loop for efficiency for k in range(Nt): # TODO: HAVE BOTH euclidian PCA and Riemannian PCA (PGA) using pymanopt evals, evecs = eigh(covmats[k, :]) # compute PCA indx = np.argsort(evals) # sort in ascending evecs = evecs[:, indx] keep = (evals[indx] < np.sum( ** 2, axis=0)) | ( np.arange(Ne) < (Ne * (1 - self.max_dimension)) ) keep = np.expand_dims( keep, 0 ) # for element wise multiplication that follows spatialfilter = np.linalg.pinv( keep.transpose() * evecs.transpose().dot(self.mixing_) ) R = Xclean[k, :] = X[k, :].dot( R.transpose() ) # suboptimal in term of memory but great for debug return Xclean
[docs] def fit_transform(self, X, y=None): """ Parameters ---------- X : ndarray, shape (n_trials, n_samples, n_channels) Training data. y : ndarray, shape (n_trials,) | None, optional labels corresponding to each trial, not used (mentioned for sklearn comp) Returns ------- X : ndarray, shape (n_trials, n_samples, n_channels) Cleaned data """, y) return self.transform(X)
def _rms(epochs): """Estimate Root Mean Square Amplitude for each epoch and each electrode. .. math:: rms = \sqrt{(\frac{1}{n})\sum_{i=1}^{n}(x_{i})^{2}} Parameters ---------- epochs : ndarray, shape (n_trials, n_samples, n_electrodes) the epochs for the estimation Returns ------- RMS : ndarray, shape (n_trials, n_electrodes) Root Mean Square Amplitude """ return np.sqrt(np.mean(epochs ** 2, axis=1)) def _fit_eeg_distribution( X, min_clean_fraction=None, max_dropout_fraction=None, quantile_range=None, step_sizes=None, beta_range=None, ): """Estimate the mean and standard deviation of clean EEG from contaminated data This function estimates the mean and standard deviation of clean EEG from a sample of amplitude values (that have preferably been computed over short windows) that may include a large fraction of contaminated samples. The clean EEG is assumed to represent a generalized Gaussian component in a mixture with near-arbitrary artifact components. By default, at least 25% (min_clean_fraction) of the data must be clean EEG, and the rest can be contaminated. No more than 10% (max_dropout_fraction) of the data is allowed to come from contamination that cause lower-than-EEG amplitudes (e.g., sensor unplugged). There are no restrictions on artifacts causing larger-than-EEG amplitudes, i.e., virtually anything is handled (with the exception of a very unlikely type of distribution that combines with the clean EEG samples into a larger symmetric generalized Gaussian peak and thereby "fools" the estimator). The default parameters should be fine for a wide range of settings but may be adapted to accommodate special circumstances. The method works by fitting a truncated generalized Gaussian whose parameters are constrained by min_clean_fraction, max_dropout_fraction, quantile_range, and beta_range. The alpha and beta parameters of the gen. Gaussian are also returned. The fit is performed by a grid search that always finds a close-to-optimal solution if the above assumptions are fulfilled. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray, shape (n_samples,) vector of amplitude values of EEG, possible containing artifacts (coming from single samples or windowed averages) min_clean_fraction : float (default: 0.25) Minimum fraction of values in X that needs to be clean max_dropout_fraction : float (default: 0.1) Maximum fraction of values in X that can be subject to signal dropouts (e.g., sensor unplugged) quantile_range : ndarray, shape (2,) (default: [0.022 0.6]) Quantile range [lower,upper] of the truncated generalized Gaussian distribution that shall be fit to the EEG contents step_sizes : ndarray, shape (2,) (default: [0.01 0.01]) Step size of the grid search; the first value is the stepping of the lower bound (which essentially steps over any dropout samples), and the second value is the stepping over possible scales (i.e., clean-data quantiles) beta_range : ndarray, shape (n_points,) (default: np.arange(1.70, 3.51, 0.15)) Range that the clean EEG distribution's shape parameter beta may take Returns ------- Mu : float estimated mean of the clean EEG distribution Sigma : float estimated standard deviation of the clean EEG distribution Alpha : float estimated scale parameter of the generalized Gaussian clean EEG distribution (optional) Beta : float estimated shape parameter of the generalized Gaussian clean EEG distribution (optional) """ # sanity checks if len(X.shape) > 1: raise ValueError("X needs to be a 1D ndarray.") # default parameters if min_clean_fraction is None: min_clean_fraction = 0.25 if max_dropout_fraction is None: max_dropout_fraction = 0.1 if quantile_range is None: quantile_range = np.array([0.022, 0.6]) if step_sizes is None: step_sizes = np.array([0.01, 0.01]) if beta_range is None: beta_range = np.arange(1.7, 3.51, 0.15) # check valid parameters n = len(X) quantile_range = np.array(quantile_range) step_sizes = np.array(step_sizes) beta_range = np.array(beta_range) if not len(quantile_range) == 2: raise ValueError("quantile_range needs to be a 2-elements vector.") if any(quantile_range > 1) | any(quantile_range < 0): raise ValueError("Unreasonable quantile_range.") if any(step_sizes < 0.0001) | any(step_sizes > 0.1): raise ValueError("Unreasonable step sizes.") if any(step_sizes * n < 1): raise ValueError( f"Step sizes compared to actual number of samples available, step_sizes * n should be " f"greater than 1 (current value={step_sizes * n}. More training data required." ) if any(beta_range >= 7) | any(beta_range <= 1): raise ValueError("Unreasonable shape range.") # sort data for quantiles X = np.sort(X) # compute z bounds for the truncated standard generalized Gaussian pdf and pdf rescaler for each beta zbounds = [] rescale = [] for k, b in enumerate(beta_range): zbounds.append( np.sign(quantile_range - 0.5) * gammaincinv( (1 / b), np.sign(quantile_range - 0.5) * (2 * quantile_range - 1) ) ** (1 / b) ) rescale.append(b / (2 * gamma(1 / b))) # determine the quantile-dependent limits for the grid search and convert everything in samples # we can generally skip the tail below the lower quantile lower_min = int(round(min(quantile_range) * n)) # maximum width in samples is the fit interval if all data is clean max_width = int(round(n * np.diff(quantile_range)[0])) # minimum width in samples of the fit interval, as fraction of data min_width = int(round(min_clean_fraction * n * np.diff(quantile_range)[0])) # max_dropout_fraction_n = int(round(max_dropout_fraction * n)) step_sizes_n = np.round(step_sizes * n).astype(int) assert any(step_sizes_n >= 1) # should be catched earlier but double-checking # get matrix of shifted data ranges indx = np.arange( lower_min, lower_min + max_dropout_fraction_n + 0.5, step_sizes_n[0] ).astype( int ) # epochs start assert indx.dtype == "int" range_ind = np.arange(0, max_width) # interval indices Xs = np.zeros((max_width, len(indx))) # preload entire quantile interval matrix for k, i in enumerate(indx): Xs[:, k] = X[i + range_ind] # build each quantile interval X1 = Xs[0, :] Xs = Xs - X1 # substract baseline value for each interval (starting at 0) # gridsearch to find optimal fitting coefficient based on given parameters opt_val = float("inf") opt_lu = float("inf") opt_bounds = float("inf") opt_beta = float("inf") gridsearch_val = np.arange(max_width - 1, min_width, -step_sizes_n[0]).astype(int) for m in gridsearch_val: # gridsearch for different quantile interval # scale and bin the data in the intervals nbins = int(round(3 * np.log2(1 + m / 2))) + 1 # scale interval H = Xs[range(m), :] * nbins / Xs[m - 1, :] # scale data bins binscounts = np.zeros((nbins, H.shape[1])) # init bincounts for k in range(H.shape[1]): binscounts[:, k], _ = np.histogram(H[:, k], nbins) logq = np.log(binscounts + 0.01) # return log(bincounts) in intervals # for each shape value... for k, beta in enumerate(beta_range): bounds = zbounds[k] # evaluate truncated generalized Gaussian pdf at bin centers x = ( bounds[0] + np.linspace(0.5, (nbins - 0.5), num=nbins) / nbins * np.diff(bounds)[0] ) p = np.exp(-np.abs(x) ** beta) * rescale[k] p = p / np.sum(p) # calc KL divergences for the specific interval kl = np.sum(p * (np.log(p) - np.transpose(logq)), axis=1) + np.log(m) # update optimal parameters idx = np.argmin(kl) if kl[idx] < opt_val: opt_val = kl[idx] opt_beta = beta opt_bounds = bounds opt_lu = [X1[idx], X1[idx] + Xs[m, idx]] # recover distribution parameters at optimum alpha = (opt_lu[1] - opt_lu[0]) / np.diff(opt_bounds)[0] mu = opt_lu[0] - opt_bounds[0] * alpha beta = opt_beta # calculate the distribution's standard deviation from alpha and beta sig = np.sqrt((alpha ** 2) * gamma(3 / beta) / gamma(1 / beta)) return mu, sig, alpha, beta